United Nations

Global warming threatens jewels of nature, civilization

Some of the most precious jewels of nature and civilization, including the historic Italian city of Venice, face the risk of global warmingFrom the glimmering coral of the Great Barrier Reef to Mount Fuji and the canal-crossed city of Venice, global warming may spell the final ruin of some of the most precious jewels of nature and civilization.

These are five sites at risk:   

Diplomat Magazine: Three Women from E. Europe in Race for UN's Top Job

For the first time since the creation of the United Nations 70 years ago, female candidates are being mentioned among the likely successors of Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Venetia van Kuffeler writes in an article in the December-January issue of London-based Diplomat magazine.

No binding agreement expected at climate summit: WWF

Agreements on the table signaling commitments by countries, regional governments and companies are promising for the prospect of tackling carbon emissions and energy transition, but a binding agreement is not likely to emerge from the COP21 Climate Summit in Paris, according to Samantha Smith, the head of the WWF Climate and Energy Initiative.
