Aleksandar Jablanovic

Vulin, Jablanovic condemn attack on Serbs in Djakovica

ORAHOVAC - Serbian Minister of Labour, Employment, Veteran Care and Social Affairs Aleksandar Vulin condemned the attack on displaced Serbs in Djakovica and stated that this and similar incidents can aggravate the process of Belgrade-Pristina negotiations in the continuation of the dialogue in Brussels.

Taci declares victory, Srpska wins 2.91 percent of vote

PRISTINA – Hasim Taci’s Democratic Party of Kosovo (DPK) won the snap parliamentary elections in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) on Sunday.

With a little more than 94 percent of the votes counted, and still incomplete results from the north of Kosovo, the DPK held 31.21 percent of the vote, the Central Election Commission (CEC) in Pristina has said.
