
May 24 – Day of Slavonic Letters and Literature

As you may probably know, Bulgaria is the only country in the European Union that uses the Cyrillic alphabet. Our entry into the EU in 2007 made Cyrillic the third official alphabet in the EU after the Latin and Greek ones. On May 24th we celebrate the Slavonic Literature and Culture. We also honor the creators of the Cyrillic alphabet - the brothers St. Cyril and St.

North Macedonia Has Fulfilled All Conditions for Opening EU Accession Talks - President Zoran Milanovic

North Macedonia has fulfilled all the democratic conditions to open EU accession talks, but it is constantly being "kicked" around, said President Zoran Milanovic on Thursday after Sofia criticised his statements about Bulgaria's policy on that EU membership aspirant.

Today Bulgaria Celebrates Cyril and Methodius Day

On May 11 Bulgarian Orthodox Church celebrates the memory of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methodius. The holiday marks its beginning during the Bulgarian Revival and is associated with the school celebrations that were organized on this day. Then came the idea for a holiday anthem, which in 1892 Stoyan Mihajlovski wrote in Ruse.

May 24 - Bulgaria Celebrates National Day of Culture and Slavic Script


Bulgaria celebrates May 24 as the day of the Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavic Script, the official Day of Holy Brothers St. Cyril and St. Methodius - the Byzantine scholars who wrote the first Slavic alphabet in 855 A.D., and translated into Old Bulgarian the Bible and the religious literature of Orthodox Christianity.

Student Donated more than 3000 Books to Community Centers and Homes for Adults

A student from Pazardzhik Village collected and donated over 3000 books to community centers and homes for elderly people from all over the country, bTV reports.

The good deed of Kiril Baldev began three years ago. Then he was 17 years old. The boy says that everyone keeps valuable books in their home, but they rarely read and it may be useful to other readers.
