Hristo Botev

Bulgaria Celebrates 173 years Since the Birth of Hristo Botev

Today marks 173 years since the birth of Hristo Botev.

A garland of glory will be laid in front of the monument of the great Bulgarian poet and revolutionary in his hometown of Kalofer. The solemn ceremony will begin with a military ritual from the yard of the Hristo Botev National Museum.

Bulgarians Celebrate the Day of Hristo Botev and Fights for Freedom and Independence of Bulgaria

Every year on June 2 at noon, for three minutes the air raid sirens across Bulgaria sound in alarm. Cars stop, pedestrians bow their heads and students rise at their desks. Everyone observes a moment of dignified silence.

Two Trams Collided in Sofia

Two trams collided on the capital's Hristo Botev Blvd. between Macedonia Square and Alexander Stamboliyski Blvd., bTV reported.

It is still unclear whether there are victims or injured.

Apparently the two passenger vehicles were seriously damaged.

There is a lot of traffic jams.

The Municipality will Repair a Crumbling Building - a Monument of Culture, in the Center of Sofia

Sofia Municipality has plans to repair a building that has been in decay for years - a monument of culture, in the center of Sofia. It is possible for the municipality for the first time to take advantage of the legal opportunity to impose a mortgage on the property in order to finance repairs.
