John Bass

Turkey warns US, Russia over arms supply to Syrian Kurds

PM Davuto?lu is left apoplectic after the US gives weapons to the Kurdish PYD, an enemy of Ankara, amid additional ire for MoscowTurkey's prime minister has lashed out at both the United States and Russia for supplying weapons and support to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) of Syria in its bid to fight extremist jihadists, raising concerns that the arms could be used against Turkey by the outla

US envoy in Turkey …dyes hair to protest Ankara’s mayor’s anti-American rant

Bully on him! America’s ambassador to neighboring Turkey on Friday mocked Ankara’s mayor for the latter’s derogatory rant against the US State Department’s spokeswoman last Wednesday, when the Turkish politician cited the Baltimore riots to goad Marie Harf, “come blonde, answer now.”
