Recep Tayyip Erdogan

NATO chief recalls Turkey's commitment to Article 5 amid calls to join Shanghai 5

Turkey would never take steps to undermine NATO's collective defense and unity as spelled out in Article 5, the alliance's chief has said, recalling President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's commitment to NATO membership amid the revival of a discussion on Turkish participation in the Russian-led Shanghai Cooperation Organization, known as the Shanghai Five. 

Turkish president insists Lausanne Treaty up for debate

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has revisited the Lausanne Treaty of 1923, which set the modern borders between Greece and Turkey, saying that it is not something that can't be discussed.

"In no way is it a sacred text, and of course we will discuss it," he said, according to Turkish news site A Haber.

Turkey's ruling AKP withdraws controversial sexual abuse motion: PM Yıldırım 

Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım announced on Nov. 22 that his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) party will withdraw a controversial motion on the sexual abuse of minors, after the proposal faced a nation-wide backlash arguing that it would pave the way for abusers escaping without punishment. 

A step toward the primitive

Turkey is not only going backward in leaps and bounds in terms of all the social gains secured under its secular republic, but has also started taking a step toward the primitive. It is mind-boggling that a government can even think of coming up with legislation that will allow men who rape minors to escape punishment if they marry the child they raped.

Coup bid clear attack on democracy: OSCE

The July 15 coup attempt was one of the clearest examples of an attack on democracy in recent decades, a senior European politician said on Nov. 21.

Christine Muttonen, president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), was among the first to condemn the coup, issuing a statement the following day.
