Sergei Shoigu

A secret plan revealed? PHOTO

"Partial camouflage for smaller groups and equipment can be provided by settlements and yards, which are within our zone of responsibility," reads the second paragraph at the top of the third page of the secret operational plan of the "Azov" battalion number 1/16 with the code name "Storm".

Putin has Stopped the Attack on Azovstal, Shoigu claims that Mariupol has been Captured

Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered an end to attempts to take over the Azovstal plant in Mariupol. Instead, he demanded that the siege continue and that the people inside remain blocked.

Mariupol is barely holding on, Russia is testing a ballistic missile, Wimbledon has divided the world. Here are the highlights of events in Ukraine over the past 24 hours.

Shoigu reported: "Mariupol liberated"; Putin: "A fly cannot pass through" VIDEO

Mariupol called Shoigu the capital of the nationalist "Azov", the city itself was liberated, but the militants remain in Azovstal, it is emphasized in the announcement of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.
He said that during the meeting in the Kremlin. According to Shoigu, Mariupol is the capital of nationalist Azov.

Putin ordered: "Cancel it"; "It will be over in 3 days"; Zelensky: "It'll be painful"

Russia has tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile "Sarmat". Russia's President Vladimir Putin said that this really unique weapons will reliably guarantee Russia's safety from external threats.
Ramzan Ahmatovi Kadyrov, the leader of the Russian Republic of Chechnya, stated that Russian forces will gain complete control over the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol today.

The Russians relocated troops VIDEO

The troops of the Russian Eastern Military District are deployed at a distance of up to 10.000 kilometers as part of the inspection of the response troops, said the Russian Minister of Defense.
Sergei Shoigu said that the first stage of the inspection was underway and that aviation and air defense units had been relocated, RIA Novosti reports.
