Stephen Hawking

Sofia Becomes Part of the Mission of Mankind to Settle on Mars

Bas Lansdorp, founder of the largest private initiative to settle the Red Planet - Mars One, will present to the Bulgarian public answers to fundamental questions related to the future of mankind. The event will be held on March 23 in Sofia Events Center, the organizers of Elevate Foundation announced.

Experts warn of dangers of “killer robots” in letter to UN

More than 100 leading robotics experts are urging the United Nations to take action in order to prevent the development of “killer robots”.
In a letter to the organisation, artificial intelligence (AI) leaders, including billionaire Elon Musk, warn of “a third revolution in warfare”.

11-year-old boy has higher IQ than Stephen Hawking and Einstein!

Though it is hard to believe but it’s true. Arnav Shrma, an 11-year-old Indian-origin boy living in the United Kingdom, has higher IQ than geniuses like Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. According to AIR News, Sharma has secured 162 points on a Mensa IQ test, two points higher than Einstein and Hawking.
This child prodigy hails from Reading town in southern England.
