
Lava Bomb Hits Hawaiian Tour Boat Near Kilauea Volcano

A Hawaiian tour boat was hit by a lava bomb—lava. bomb.—on Monday morning, and at least 22 passengers were injured after at least one hunk of lava smashed a hole in the vessel's roof, according to Hawaii's Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR). Most passengers had minor burns and one woman suffered a broken leg, according to the state agency.

Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano Starts Raining Green Gems

The scene around Hawaii's Kilauea Volcano, now in its fifth week of intense eruption, has taken a turn for the surreal. Amid the ash-gray skies and flame-streaked lava spilling from the volcano's fissures, tiny, glittering green gems are appearing — at times even raining from the sky. These tiny gems are not unexpected during such an eruption, but they're nice to look at anyway.


Life on a volcano: Volcanic Eruptions in Hawaii Have Intensified (VIDEO)

Explosions because of Kilauea volcano in Hawaii increased yesterday, the ash cloud over the crater had risen to 3770 meters and the authorities announced a red aviation hazard code, Reuters reported.

A red code means that a volcanic eruption could affect the area's airspace by throwing ash into the airways, according to the site of the US Geophysical Institute.
