Airborne early warning and control

Greek businessman T. Liakounakos at Korydallos prison for alleged bribe-taking

Greek businessman Thomas Liakounakis, arrested at his upscale Filothei-Psychiko residence on Monday on charges of bribery and money laundering, was sent to jail pending trial following his 7-hour inquest hearing with investigative magistrate on corruption, Vassilis Bratis.

Boeing delivers third AEW&C to Turkey

Boeing has delivered the third Peace Eagle Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft to the Turkish Armed Forces, further increasing the country’s self-defense capabilities.

The AEW&C aircraft was delivered on schedule on Sept. 4 at Konya Air Base, the fleet’s main operating base. Boeing is scheduled to deliver the fourth aircraft for the program in 2015.

Boeing delivers third AEW&C to Turkey

Boeing has delivered the third Peace Eagle Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft to the Turkish Armed Forces, further increasing the country’s self-defense capabilities.

The AEW&C aircraft was delivered on schedule on Sept. 4 at Konya Air Base, the fleet’s main operating base. Boeing is scheduled to deliver the fourth aircraft for the program in 2015.

Local aircraft set to mark Aug 30 parade

Turkey’s locally co-manufactured assault helicopter ATAK will be the first indigenous aircraft on display at the Aug. 30 Victory Day parade.

The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) will showcase its latest inventory during the ceremony, which will be attended by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for the first time as president and Ahmet Davutoğlu as prime minister.