Boeing delivers last Peace Eagle to Turkey

Peace Eagle Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) aircraft. DHA Photo

Boeing delivered the fourth and final Peace Eagle Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) aircraft to the Turkish Air Force at Konya Air Base in Central Anatolia on Dec. 9, completing the Turkish AEW&C fleet and enhancing Turkey's airspace surveillance and battle management capabilities.

The final aircraft included upgraded software for the platform and the final element of the ground support segment, the Software Support Center (SSC). Previously delivered Peace Eagles will receive the upgraded software soon, Boeing said in a press release. 

Boeing worked with Turkish industry partners Turkish Aerospace Industries, Turkish Airlines, Havelsan and Aselsan to complete the delivery of the final aircraft as well as establish technology capabilities like the SSC, updated mission simulator software and mission support center software.

"Turkey is currently the only nation in this region with the AEW&C capability. By combining Boeing's innovative engineering with the expertise provided by local Turkish industry partners, we've delivered an advanced world-class airborne surveillance system to our customer," said Aysem Sargin Isil, the managing director of Boeing Turkey.

Turkey, Australia and South Korea operate AEW&C platforms.

Based on Boeing's 737-700 commercial airplane, the 737 AEW&C aircraft's advanced radar and 10 state-of-the-art mission crew consoles can track airborne and maritime targets simultaneously. The battle management capabilities allow mission crew to direct offensive and defensive forces while maintaining continuous surveillance of the operational area.

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