
Bulgarian Customs Seize Two Guns, Ammo in Car Arriving from Turkey

Bulgarian customs officers at Kapitan Andreevo checkpoint have found two guns and 5,200 rounds of ammunition for them hidden in a car with Austrian registration entering from Turkey on Thursday morning.

A man and a woman - both of them Turkish citizens - who travelling in the car, have been detained, Bulgaria's Customs Agency said in a statement.

Hooded assailants bombed Turkish consulate in Thessaloniki

The Turkish Consulate in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, was attacked in the early hours of Friday orning by 25 hooded assailants that hurled around 15 Molotov cocktails at the guard post.

The attack occurred at 3.20 a.m. outside the consulate’s premises on Agiou Dimitriou Street. No injuries had been reported. Damage was only superficial and to the building’s façade.

Turkey to focus on long-range missile defense system development by 'local means'

Turkey will focus on long-range missile defense system developed by indigenous means, hence why the country canceled the existing missile project tender with a recent decision by the Defense Industry Executive Committee, said the National Defense Ministry in a written statement. 

US to send another Aegis-equipped ship to Mediterranean

The U.S. will send an additional anti-missile Aegis-equipped ship to the Mediterranean this fall to defend Turkey and other NATO allies against ballistic missile threats, U.S. Navy spokeswoman Cmdr. Pamela Rawe told Anadolu Agency on Aug. 19. 

"The U.S. is committed to the defense of our NATO allies, which includes Turkey," Rawe said.
