
Classified documents allegedly reveal that Nazis targetted German towns with V-2 rockets

The revelations held within classified Nazi SS documents are shocking.


The documents which saw the light of day recently reveal that Nazi SS used V-2 rockets to kill thousands of German civilians by bombing their cities, just for… target practice!


People will defend own neighborhood against defenders of Molotov cocktails: Turkish PM

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has threatened oppositional parties over their criticism of a controversial security bill, saying people will defend their own neighborhoods and cities against those who "support the use of Molotov cocktails."

People will defend own neighborhood against defenders of Molotov cocktail: Turkish PM

Prime Minister Ahmet Davuto?lu has threatened oppositional parties over their criticism of a controversial security bill, saying people will defend their own neighborhoods and cities against those who "support the use of Molotov cocktails."

Turkish gendarmerie seizes guns, ammunition in southeastern raid

Security forces have detained four people in Siverek, a town in the ?anl?urfa province near the Syrian border, seizing a large cache of guns and ammunition.

The gendarmerie operation came following two months of monitoring, after a tip-off.

Some 16 rifles, six pistols, 65 magazines, and 6,689 bullets were seized in the simultaneous raids on five houses early on Jan. 22.
