The Apprentice

Attraction of the abhorrent

We saw it happening in the United States with Donald Trump. We are seeing it happening here too, on a smaller scale, particularly in the last few days: There is a new type of politician who speaks the language of social media, who breaks one taboo after another, using unconventional "means of war."

Donald Trump and China's Xi Won't Talk Before Trade Deadline

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he did not plan to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping before a March 1 deadline set by the two countries to achieve a trade deal, Reuters writes.

Asked during an event in the Oval Office whether there would be a meeting before the deadline, Trump said: "No."

Donald Trump has Revealed that the Meeting with Kim Jong-un Will be on 27 and 28 February

President Trump announced on Tuesday that he will sit down with North Korea's leader, Kim Jong-un, at the end of this month in Vietnam, a country chosen as a neutral location for their second nuclear summit meeting, but one that also has plenty of symbolic significance, reported NY Times. 

Canadian company discovers silver and gold in southeast

Tanjug is reporting this, citing Belgrade-based daily, Vecernje Novosit.

As part of its Talmino Project, the exploration company has found a 40 meter layer containing 8.32 grams of gold per ton, and "an almost incredible" 193 grams of silver per ton, the newspaper writes.

Afterwards, it signed an agreement on a joint investment with another Canadian firm, Fortuna Silver.
