
"Dialogue has to be continued, results implemented"

"Dialogue has to be continued, results implemented"

BELGRADE -- After elections on March 16, "Serbia must continue reforms and the dialogue with Priština with renewed vigor and implement the results of the dialogue."

This is what Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz has told the Belgrade-daily Danas in an interview ahead of his visit here on Wednesday.

Jazz turns 97

BELGRADE - Belgrade's Akademija 28 will host the 97th Jazz Birthday festival from February 26 to March 1.

The club has celebrated the anniversary of the publishing of the first jazz record for 8 years now. This year, the festival will be international, because a Norwegian band called Norsk Linie will be appearing on the festival stage along with Serbian bands.

Djuric: Rakic's victory - confirmation of state policy

BELGRADE - The mayoral election victory of the candidate of the Citizens' Initiative Srpska (GI Srpska), Goran Rakic, in northern Kosovska Mitrovica confirms that Serbia's state policy enjoys support among citizens in Kosovo-Metohija (KiM), member of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) Marko Djuric said on Monday.
