
Britain's May promises to listen to businesses' concerns on Brexit as queen presents government program

British Prime Minister Theresa May promised on June 21 to listen more to businesses' concerns about Brexit as Queen Elizabeth formally opened parliament by announcing the government's program for the next two years.

Anti-populist reflexes

There used to be two states, two democracies that one could always trust: the United States and Britain. In the eyes of Greece, a country locked somewhere between Western Europe, the Balkans and the Middle East, these two democracies carried particular significance.

Britain, EU start historic Brexit talks

Britain and the European Union began their first formal Brexit negotiations on June 19, under pressure to seal a deal amid disarray in London over whether to go for a hard or soft divorce.

At stake is not just Britain's future but also Europe's post-war political order and its place in the world which could be fatally undermined without an agreement by the March 2019 deadline.
