Camp Bondsteel

Jovanovic: NATO aggression was aimed at land-grabbing of Serbian territory

BELGRADE - The objective of the 1999 NATO aggression on the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY) was not a resolution of any humanitarian or political issue, but land-grabbing of Serbian territory, and the decision to go ahead with it had been made long before, says former Serbian diplomat Zivadin Jovanovic, who was FM of the FRY at the time.

"United States make efforts to revise Brussels agreement"

In that way, the US is trying to "pull Kosovo into NATO" and keep its military base there.
In that context, Lavrov recalled that four years ago, an agreement was signed to form a Community of Serb Municipalities in Kosovo, guaranteeing the linguistic, cultural and religious rights of Serbs, TAS reports.

US Colonel of Serbian ancestry takes over command of Bondsteel

US Colonel Nick Ducich, of the California National Guard, took over the command of the US Army base in Kosovo - Bondsteel, GazetaExpress reports. During the handover ceremony held on Tuesday Ducich said that the role of the NATO's peacekeeping mission in Kosovo - KFOR on offering a safe and secure environment remains the same.

Report Urges Permanent US Military Presence in Balkans

The report entitled 'Balkans Forward: A New US Strategy for the Region', published by the Atlantic Council on Tuesday, calls for a permanent American military presence in the Balkans, a "historic rapproachment" between the US and Serbia, and for the US to regain its reputation as an "honest broker".

Vucic: US already has base in Serbia - Camp Bondsteel

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and Deputy PM Zoran Mihajlovic have denied that a western humanitarian center would be built at the Ponikve airport.

Their reactions came after reports that the US and the EU were planning to build a center in western Serbia as a response to the Russian one in southern Serbia.

However, this was later denied from EU and US diplomatic circles.