
Entry Into The Eurozone Has Not Significantly Affected Price Increases In Croatia

Although the residents of Zagreb complain that everything has become more expensive and many explain the increase in prices with the switch to the European currency, the Croatian National Bank said that the entry into the eurozone did not significantly affect the rise in prices, writes the Belgrade newspaper "Politika", quoted by BTA.

Mixed Sentiments: Euro's High Approval Amid Croatian Skepticism"

The euro enjoys robust support across the Eurozone, with approval ratings averaging 79%, although opinions vary significantly across member states. According to a recent survey conducted by Ipsos European Public Affairs on behalf of the European Commission, diverse sentiments towards the single currency emerged, especially in Croatia, where skepticism persists.

Croat envoy notes ‘excellent relations’

The arrest of 95 Croatian soccer fans in connection with the violent incidents and the death of Michalis Katsouris outside the AEK stadium in Athens on August 7 has tested relations between the two countries, but "Croatia trusts the Greek justice system," according to the country's ambassador to Greece, Aleksandar Sunko.

Bulgarians are being Investigated for Trafficking Illegal Migrants in Croatia

Croatian police are investigating a total of 11 people for illegal trafficking of 117 migrants in Karlovac County, Croatia. Authorities say there were six separate incidents between last Thursday and Monday. Bulgarians are also among the suspects, BTA reported.

It's getting closer: it's going to get even more extreme; Satellite image VIDEO/PHOTO

Just to reiterate that last week in Croatia, a storm claimed four lives and caused enormous damage to buildings, infrastructure and cars. After that, a terrible storm followed in Serbia, and the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of Serbia issued a new warning today.

Slovenian firm goes all in on gelato

Slovenian gelato company Aroma Global is launching ice-cream production in Croatia's Ogulin in what it says will be the world's largest gelato factory using all-natural ingredients.

The company has invested €7.3 million in expansion over the past 15 months, opening 47 new ice-cream parlours in Croatia on top of existing three. They have none in Slovenia.

Mozemo! Dashes Hopes of Croatian Leftist Alliance

There will be no left-wing pre-election coalition in Croatia to counter the main ruling Croatian Democratic Union, HDZ.

This was made clear after the opposition Mozemo! [We Can!] party announced it will go alone into the next elections, rejecting a pre-election alliance with the opposition Social Democrats, SDP.

Children for Sale: Croatia’s Corrupted Institutions Have Blessed Illegal Adoptions

My source from the illegal adoption network was convinced that the arrested Croats would be released, and claimed that the organization that profits from 15,000 to 40,000 euros per child is too powerful and too well organized.

Trade in children done with public money
