
Dinar-to-euro exchange rate at RSD 117.3776

BELGRADE - The Serbian dinar's official median exchange rate against the euro is 117.3776 dinars for one euro on Monday, which is a slight change from Friday, the National Bank of Serbia said.

The dinar is steady against the euro and up by 0.2 pct y-o-y.

The dinar's indicative exchange rate against the dollar was down by 0.1 pct to 108.4420 dinars for one dollar on Friday.

Most Poles are Against adopting the Euro, according to a Survey

The majority of Polish citizens are against the introduction of the euro, according to a study by the IBRiS research center commissioned by Zet radio, BTA reported.

When asked whether Poland should accept the common European currency and replace the Polish zloty with it, 14.7 percent of respondents answered "yes" and 9.8 percent "I tend to agree."

By the End of March, Bulgaria’s Finance Ministry will have a Website for the Euro

The website, which will be the main channel for informing Bulgarian citizens and businesses about all aspects of the adoption of the euro, is expected to be developed by the end of March 2023. This was stated by the Minister of Finance Rositsa Velkova.
