Distribution of wealth

Shelter for Homeless People in the Capital was Rehabilitated with BGN 30 000

A renovation of a homeless homeless shelter was carried out. The activities cost a total of BGN 30,000, reports novini. 

This is what the director of the Crisis Center for Homeless people in the Zaharna Fabrika district of Sofia, Dragoslava Lundjova, told FOCUS.

An example from Turkey for future capitalism

According to the World Economic Forum, the global economy is more than five times larger than it was half a century ago.

Global per capita GDP has more than doubled over the same period. The World Bank estimates that the share of the global population living in extreme poverty has fallen below 10 percent for the first time ever.

Eight men own same as poorest half of world: Oxfam

Eight men own the same wealth as the poorest half of the world's population, a level of inequality which "threatens to pull our societies apart," Oxfam said on Jan. 16 ahead of the World Economic Forum opening in Davos.

The wealth of the world's poorest 3.6 billion people is the equivalent to the combined net worth of six American businessmen, one from Spain and another from Mexico.

Countries with the wealthiest people (graph)

According to Credit Suisse’s global wealth report, 140,900 private individuals cane be categorises as “exceptionally high income earners”. The report includes private individuals with a total wealth of over 50 million dollars, with more than half (52%) haling from North America, while 21% reside in Europe and the Asia-Pacific regions. 13% are from India and China.

Ranks of self-employed to swell

Most self-employed professionals will have to pay higher social security contributions from next month, as will many shareholders, as changes planned by the government were sealed with the issue of two circulars by the Labor Ministry in the last few hours of 2016.
