Eastern Orthodox Church

Serbian Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Eve

Serbian Eastern Orthodox believers, the country's majority Christian denomination, are on Friday, January 6, marking Christmas Eve.

Christmas is a public holiday in Serbia celebrated on January 7, according to the Julian calendar. Among the countries where churches adhere to the same calendar are also Belarus, Georgia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Russia, and Ukraine.

Archbishop Ieronymos against separation of Church and state

Archbishop Ieronymos has said that separating Greece's Orthodox Church from the state would be "horror."

Speaking on Friday during an event at police headquarters in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, Ieronymos said it was important to maintain the relationship "at a time when institutions are being rocked to their foundations."

Bulgarians Mark Zadushnitsa

On Saturday, Bulgarians commemorate one of the three most important All Souls (Zadushnitsa) days in Eastern Orthodox Christianity  - the day of St Michael (in Oriental Orthodox and Eastern Orthodox traditions, he is called 'Taxiarch Archangel Michael') or simply "Archangel Michael".

Ieronymos says gov't trying to undermine Orthodox faith

Archbishop Ieronymos has launched a fresh attack on the left-led government, accusing it of trying to undermine the role of Orthodox faith in the predominantly Christian nation.

"You may have sold out Greece's treasures, our trains, our ports; however we will not hand over to you our homeland and our Orthodox faith," Archbishop said in Livadia, north of Attica, Tuesday.
