Education reform

Cautious reform

The education reforms put forward by the new conservative government aspire to break the deadlock left behind by the populist policies of its leftist predecessors.

Bulgaria Presented to the United Nations Good Practices for the Inclusion of Young People at Risk

We would like to emphasize the essential role of developing competences and skills that enable young people to find meaningful work, actively participate as citizens in democratic societies and support their personal development. Andronescu: We'll pay a special attention to promoting inclusion, excellency and mobility

Education Minister Ecaterina Andronescu participated on Thursday in the Forum on the Future of Learning in Brussels, underscoring that the Romanian Presidency at the European Union Council will pay a special attention to promotion inclusion, excellency and mobility.

Top-grade hype

Greece must be among the few countries in the world (if not the only one) where the process of national university entrance exams is such a big deal, and is presented as front-page news by all of the media.
