Foreign relations of France

Tsipras says EU south summit talks reflect common will to build a Europe of growth

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said the meeting of seven leaders from southern European countries in Madrid on Monday allowed them to discuss the present and future of Europe and a series of topics such as the economic crisis and inequalities.

President Erdoğan condemns 'horrific' metro attack in St Petersburg

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has sent his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, a message condemning the deadly metro blast in St. Petersburg on April 3, a presidential source said April 4.      

In the message sent on April 3, Erdoğan condemned the "horrific" attack which claimed at least 14 lives and injured dozens, the source said.

Greece expresses condolences to St. Petersburg attack victims

The Greek Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the explosions that rocked St. Petersburg train station, Monday, expressing its solidarity with the Russian people. The blast resulted in the death of nine people and the injury of 50. The statement extended its deepest condolences to the families of the victims and wished the injured a speedy recovery.

President Rumen Radev Expressed His Condolences to Queen Elizabeth II

Bulgarian president Rumen Radev sent a letter with his condolences to Her Majesty Elizabeth II, Queen of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, in relation to the terrorist act in London, the press secretariat of the head of state announced.

"With deep sorrow I received the news about the horrific act of terror, which led to the loss of innocent lives," President Radev stated.
