
Archaeologists in Kayseri dig out turtle, teeth fossils

Fossils of a turtle and three teeth, thought to be of the ancestor of elephants (Proboscidea), believed to be some 7-8 million years old, have been found in the Central Anatolian province of Kayseri.

Excavation works that were initiated three years ago, along the Yamula Dam in Kocasinan district's Taşhan neighborhood, have been continuing ever since.

Man stopped at Lesvos airport with petrified forest fragments in bags

Police at Lesvos' airport on Tuesday detained a 57-year-old man after finding multiple fragments of a petrified forest in the island's west in his luggage.

Officers found five chunks and 15 fragments of fossilized wood in the man's possession. He now faces charges of violating the national customs code and forestry laws, and theft.

'Fat' traces confirm weird fossils were earliest animals

AFP - A strange fossil that looks a bit like a giant leaf, or a fingerprint the size of a coffee table, has intrigued scientists for decades.

Thousands of the fossils have been found over the past seven decades, revealing that it lived at the bottom of the ocean, without a mouth, intestines or anus, half a billion years ago.

Geological Society announces plan for National Catalogue of Greek GeoSites


The Greek Geological Society on Friday announced the launch of an initiative to draw up a National Catalogue of GeoSites in Greece. GeoSites are considered to include geological monuments such as caves, lakes, prehistoric fossils and rocks that have scientific or aesthetic value and should be protected, promoted and examined.
