
New economic model to boost investment, employment, production, export: Erdoğan

The new economic model that Turkey is pursuing aims to grow the national economy by boosting investment, employment, production and export, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has said, reiterating that this strategy will likely record more than 10 percent growth by the end of this year.

G20 Summit: Carbon Neutrality by Middle of the Century and Limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C

G20 leaders adopted a final declaration following two-day Rome summit, acknowledging the need for global carbon neutrality "by or around" the middle of the century, and calling for action to curb rising global warming up to 1.5 degrees Celsius, reports TACC.

Macron says Australian PM lied to him over subs spat

French President Emmanuel Macron on Oct. 31 said Australia's prime minister outright lied to him over a cancelled submarine deal, deepening an already fraught diplomatic crisis.

"I don't think. I know," Macron said when asked by Australian media if Scott Morrison was untruthful in their private dealings.

World leaders in Glasgow for ’last, best hope’ climate summit

More than 120 world leaders meet in Glasgow on Nov. 1 in a "last, best hope" to tackle the climate crisis and avert a looming global disaster.

"It's one minute to midnight and we need to act now," British Prime Minister Boris Johnson was due to tell them, according to extracts from his speech.

The G20 Summit Approved a Minimum Corporate Tax of 15%

The leaders of the world's largest economies today supported the imposition of a minimum tax rate on corporations, the Associated Press reported.

The agreement reached at the G20 summit in Rome aims to establish international tax rules so that multinational companies cannot avoid taxation by registering in offshore territories.

G20 under pressure to deliver on climate ahead of UN talks

G20 leaders gather for a second day of their Rome summit on Oct. 31, with all eyes on whether they can deliver a meaningful commitment on climate change ahead of crucial U.N. talks.

The Group of 20 major economies emit nearly 80 percent of carbon emissions, and a promise of action would provide a much-needed boost to COP26 climate talks starting in Glasgow on Oct. 31.

Erdoğan, Biden to meet today in Rome

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his U.S. counterpart will meet on Oct. 31 on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Rome, a senior U.S. official said.

The NATO allies had been expected to hold a bilateral at the U.N. summit climate in Glasgow next week, but a senior U.S. administration official briefed reporters on Oct. 30 that it would take place Sunday morning.
