Gaza Strip

FM blasts Netanyahu supporters

Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan on Thursday condemned those applauding Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the U.S. Congress, branding them as endorsers of a "bloody criminal."

Those who applauded Netanyahu have gone down in history as supporters of "bloody criminal," marking complete collapse of moral standards witnessed by all humanity, Fidan said on X.

Israeli Forces Discover Bodies of Five Hostages Killed by Hamas

The Israeli army announced yesterday that it had discovered the bodies of five hostages who were killed by the Palestinian group Hamas during their attack on October 7. These hostages were subsequently held in the Gaza Strip, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), as reported by Reuters.

China Brokers Deal Between Hamas and Fatah for Gaza Reconciliation and Transitional Government

Hamas has announced the signing of an agreement with various Palestinian organizations, including its rival Fatah, to pursue "national unity." The deal, which was signed in Beijing, has been described by China as a framework for joint governance of Gaza following the conclusion of the ongoing conflict.

Türkiye slams Israeli foreign minister's statement on Turkish president

Türkiye on Friday sharply criticized Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz, accusing him of making statements full of "disrespect, lies and slander" about Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry condemned the Israeli government for its policies "trying to prolong its time in power," saying Israel is perpetuating violence and instability in the region.

Gaza authorities say dozens killed as Israel strikes across territory

Palestinians make their way over the dirty of rubble, past destroyed buildings after the Israeli military withdrew following a two-week offensive from the Shujaiya neighbourhood, east of Gaza City on July 11, 2024, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the militant Hamas group.

How much has US-built Gaza aid pier helped get aid into Gaza?

A US-built pier designed to increase flows of humanitarian aid into the Gaza Strip has been beset by challenges and is now expected to be permanently dismantled.

US officials have said they will attempt to reinstall the pier to clear a backlog of Gaza-bound aid in Cyprus, and that it is then likely to be permanently dismantled.
