
Sociologists: Voter Turnout to Reach 55 - 60%

A study of the Estat agency on political attitudes of Bulgarians, conducted days before the parliamentary elections on March 26, shows that voter turnout would be between 55 and 60 percent, according to BNR.

The study forecasts that six parties would enter Parliament - GERB, Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP), Volya (''Will''), United Patriots, DPS and the Reformist Bloc.

Borisov Refuses Coalition with DOST, DPS. Ninova Links Him to Mestan

GERB's leader Boyko Borisov is certain that his party will not enter a coalition with either DOST or DPS. BSP's leader Korneliya Ninova, however, predicted a commitment between GERB and DOST, thus refusing any future cooperation with Borisov.

The leaders of the two most influential political formations gave separate interviews for AFP, cited by Focus agency.

Centre For Analyses and Marketing: GERB - 31.4%, BSP - 30.7%

A total of five parties will enter the 44th Parliament, while Rumen Radev is the best liked politician, showed data from the nationally representative survey of the Centre for Analyses and Marketing, presented by director Yuliy Pavlov, reported BGNES.

The sample included 1012 adult citizens and was carried out in the period March 10 - 16.

Gallup International: Whether BSP or GERB Will Win the Snap Elections In Bulgaria

Whether the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) or GERB will win the elections depends on the last days of the campaign. This is what data from a "Gallup International" study shows.

Data before the decisive phase of the election campaign shows equality among those who may be expected to vote for sure.

AFIS Pollster: GERB and BSP with Equal Support Ahead of Snap Elections

About ten days before the snap parliamentary elections on March, 26 the answer to the question who is the likely winner remains open, according to the findings of pollster AFIS about the political preferences in Bulgaria, quoted by BNR.

The two major parties, the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and GERB, share almost equal support, and the outcome cannot be forecast in advance.

Elena Yoncheva: Borisov Should Leave Politics If He's lying

The candidate for member of Parliament of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) Elena Yoncheva urged the former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov to leave politics if the court prove that he lied that the government paid for her reportage.

According to her words during an interview on BTV, she promised to do the same if the words of Borisov prove the truth.

Bulgaria's Election Campaign Enters Decisive Stage - Poll

The gap between Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) and conservative GERB party is narrow two weeks out of the early election and the next fortnight will be decisive, a Gallup poll has suggested.

The pollster argues six parties would enter Parliament if the election were held on Wednesday, March 8.

Quarter of Bulgarian Voters 'Want New Poll after Early Election'

One fourth of Bulgarian voters would like to take part in a new early poll after the upcoming snap election, a survey has shown.

Asked about what should happen after the election, a narrow majority (29%) demand a center-right coalition, while 26% would like to see a center-left coalition, according to a poll by AFIS agency.
