Government of Bulgaria

Bulgarian Statesmen Sent Condolences to Russia over the Tragic Airline Incident

Head of State Rumen Radev, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, National Assembly President Tsveta Karaiancheva and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Ekaterina Zaharieva sent condolences to their Russian counterparts after a tragic accident with a passenger plane at Sheremetyevo Airport.

10% Increase in Military Wages From 2020

Minister Karakachanov congratulated the contingents for the Day of Courage, reported NOVA TV.  

On the eve of the holiday and head of state Rumen Radev honored the merits of senior military men. The president reminded that citizens have high expectations for the army to preserve its authority and develop modern defense capabilities.

Boyko Borissov Will Meet with Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Zöder

Zöder is visiting Bulgaria at the invitation of the Bulgarian Prime Minister, reported NOVA TV. 

The Prime Ministers of Bulgaria and Bavaria - Boyko Borissov and Marcus Zöder will hold a four-eye meeting in the building of the Council of Ministers on 2 May. Zöder is visiting Bulgaria at the invitation of the Bulgarian Prime Minister.

PM Called for the Resignation of SFA Deputy Head over EU-funded Guest House

At the order of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Rumen Porozhanov on 30th of April requested the resignation of Deputy Executive Director of the State Fund Agriculture (SFA), Ivanka Bagdatova-Mizova, reports BNT. 

Bulgarian Vice President Participated at a Conference "Euro-vectors to the US-China-Russia Geopolitical Triangle"

"Russia is an immediate neighbour of the European Union, with which we have to define our relations clearly and take them out of the deadlock they are in. The talk about sanctions against Russia is important and the economic security of our citizens does not allow us to reduce the debate to superficial slogans with questionable purpose.

Bulgarian Energy Minister: The Government Has an Excellent dialogue with Business and Trade Unions, in the Field of Energy'

,,The government has an excellent dialogue with business and trade unions, in the field of energy'', Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova told journalists on leaving a meeting with Prime Minister Boyko Borissov with representatives of employers' and trade union organizations in the Council of Ministers.

The World Bank Office in Bulgaria Opens in 2 Years and will Employs More than 300 People

The construction of the new World Bank office in Sofia will begin in July this year, with the project being carried out in several stages. Within two years, it must be completely ready. Within the first five years of its opening, over 300 people have to work there.

This information was confirmed by Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov, quoted by "24 hours".

Prime Minister Boyko Borisov Met with Iran's Minister of Transport and Urban Development Mohammad Eslami

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov met with Iran's Minister of Transport and Urban Development Mohammad Eslami, the press service of the Cabinet announced.
They talked about strengthening bilateral ties in the transport, energy, agriculture and tourism sectors, the CoM said.
