International law

Migration ministry recruits 150 new border guards

The Migration and Asylum Ministry and the EU are co-financing the recruitment of 150 new border guards with funds from the Integrated Border Management Fund - Border Management and Visa Instrument (2021-27).

The new guards will bolster the operational capabilities of the police directorates of Rodopi and Kavala in northern Greece.

Kosovo Guerrilla Chiefs’ Landmark Trial: What are the Charges?

On trial alongside Thaci will be Kadri Veseli, a former Kosovo parliamentary speaker and leader of Kosovo Democratic Party, PDK, Jakup Krasniqi, the chairman of the national council of the Social Democratic Initiative, NISMA party, and Rexhep Selimi, who was the head of the Vetevendosje party's parliamentary group of MPs at the time of his arrest.

"Putin's goal is to erase the identity of Ukraine"

"This war is an attack not only on Ukraine, but on the international rules-based order that seeks to defend international peace and stability, and uphold, in the words of the United Nations Charter, "the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small", Blinken pointed out at a virtual panel session on "A Just and Lasting Peace in Ukraine", ahead of tomorrow's opening of the second

UN: London's plan to Stop Illegal Migrants violates International Law

The UK government's proposed asylum law is "very worrying", the UN refugee agency has warned.

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees representative in the United Kingdom, Vicky Tennant, commented to the BBC that the measure would violate international law and was not necessary to stop Channel crossings.
