International security

Grushko: Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya - NATO has no positive results

The Grdelica train bombing occurred on 12 April 1999, when two missiles fired by NATO aircraft hit a passenger train while it was passing across a railway bridge.

NATO's activities in the post-Cold War period have failed to deliver any positive results in terms of ensuring security in Europe, says Russia's envoy to NATO.

"Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya - NATO has no positive results"

NATO's activities in the post-Cold War period have failed to deliver any positive results in terms of ensuring security in Europe, says Russia's envoy to NATO.

Aleksandr Grushko spoke for Rossiya 24 and cited NATO's attack on Yugoslavia, invasion in Iraq, as well as the bombing of Libya, in which the alliance had also participated, Sputnik is reporting.

Ruling AKP deputy Conkar to head Turkey's NATO Parliament Assembly group

Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) deputy Ahmet Berat Conkar is slated to head the Turkish group at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA).

The Turkish NATO PA group convened on July 26 to elect the new president after the former president, Osman Aşkın Bak, was appointed as Turkey's new youth and sports minister in last week's cabinet reshuffle.

US set to approve $4 bln Patriot missile sale to Romania

The US State Department said on July 11 it is ready to approve the sale of Patriot air defense systems to Romania, a $3.9 billion deal likely to infuriate Russia.

"The State Department has made a determination approving a possible foreign military sale to Romania for Patriot air defense systems, related support and equipment," the State Department said.

Serbia taking part in NATO's Eastern Europe war games

NATO's large-scale military exercise, "Saber Guardian 2017," has started in Bulgaria, with participation of 25,000 soldiers from 20 countries, including Serbia.

The Beta agency reported this on Tuesday, citing a Defense Ministry announcement that said 79 Serbian soldiers would participate in the July 7-22 drills taking place in Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria.

The Nuclear Threat Around the World is Increasing

The nuclear threat around the world is becoming a very pressing issue no matter the fact that the number of weapons is decreasing. This is the conclusion of an extensive analysis done by the Stockholm Research Institute SIPRI that investigates the issues of world peace. The publication states that the numbers of war heads is declining.

Greece & five other NATO allies move to replace aging anti-submarine & patrol aircraft capabilities


On Thursday, six NATO Allies announced their readiness to work together in developing and fielding follow-on solutions for their existing maritime anti-submarine and intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance aircraft.
