International security

Vice Admiral Eftimov: No Increased NATO Presence in Black Sea Region

There is no increased presence of NATO's forces in the Black Sea, stated interim head of defence Vice Admiral Emil Eftimov.

According to Eftimov, the focus right now is on training and exercises.

"We focused on optimising training and exercises conducted in the Black Sea region. We do not perceive an escalation or reinforcement in that presence," stated Eftimov.

Mattis: NATO allies must increase spending or …

US Defense Secretary James Mattis delivered an ultimatum to NATO allies during a visit to Europe - increase their military spending, or see America "moderate its commitment" to the alliance.

"I owe it to you all to give you clarity on the political reality in the United States, and to state the fair demand from my country's people in concrete terms," Mattis said.

300 US marines land in Norway

Some 300 US Marines arrived in Norway on Monday for a rotational deployment in the Scandinavian country, to neighbouring Russia’s dismay amid rising tensions with the West. Officials played down any link between the operation and NATO concerns over Russia, but the deployment coincides with the U.S.

Tirana to host NATO's effort to dissuade jihadi hopefuls

According to Albanian Defense Minister Mimi Kodheli, NATO has accepted a proposal to open "a center to help prevent" people from joining terrorist groups.

AP reported on Friday that Kodheli said the proposal was approved "a few days ago" and that it came "at a time when the phenomenon of the foreign terrorist fighters has reached considerable levels."
