International security

Bulgaria Wants More Serious Funding for EU Battlegroups

At a Brussels-held sitting of the Foreign Affairs (Defense) Council of the EU Bulgarian Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov declared that Sofia wanted the expansion of the range of the common funding for the EU battlegroups vie including the expenses for their deployment too with the purpose of a fairer distribution of the burden between all the member-states, reported the Bulgarian Natio

NATO spec ops textbook says Serbian operation in Racak an example how to react against terrorists

Heroes of Koshare

Retired Interior Ministry (MUP) General Goran "Guri" Radosavljevic has told the daily Vecernje Novosti that a legitimate police operation took place in Racak.

Radosavljevic stressed that the operation on January 15, 1999 was carried out "flawlessly" - and that he received "a NATO gold medal" for it.

Racak operation was legitimate, and flawless, commander says

Retired Interior Ministry (MUP) General Goran "Guri" Radosavljevic has told the daily Vecernje Novosti that a legitimate police operation took place in Racak.

Radosavljevic stressed that the operation on January 15, 1999 was carried out "flawlessly" - and that he received "a NATO gold medal" for it.

Turkey needs to sort out price issues with Russia on S-400 missiles, defense minister says

Talks between Turkey and Russia on procuring S-400 missiles for a domestic Turkish air defense system have "matured," Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Işık said on May 10, but added the two countries needed to sort out some price issues, Reuters has reported.

Turkey and Russia cosy up over missiles

The attempt to find some common ground over Syria dominated the talks on May 3rd between Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin. But the meeting between the Turkish and Russian presidents also touched on another subject of concern to Turkey’s NATO allies. A deal has been agreed in principle for Russia to sell Turkey its potent S-400 long-range air-defence system. A price has yet to be agreed.

Turkey at 'final stage' with Russia over S-400 missile system: Defense minister

Turkey's talks with Russia about the purchase of the S-400 air missile defense system have reached a "final stage," although this does not mean a deal will be signed immediately, Defense Minister Fikri Işık said on April 21.

Işık also told a news conference that NATO countries have not presented a "financially effective" offer on an alternative defense system. 

The Defence Ministry to Draft a Plan Under Which Defence Spending to Reach 2% of GDP by 2022

The Bulgarian Government Wednesday approved the 2016 Annual Report on the Status of Defence and the Armed Forces and will submit it to Parliament for debate and approval, Deputy Prime Minister and Defence Minister Stefan Yanev аnnounced.

Russia vetoes West's Syria resolution at UN Security Council

Moscow has vetoed a US-backed resolution condemning the Khan Shaykun incident on April 4 as a chemical attack while demanding that Syria open up its military bases to inspections.

Russia, which has veto power as one of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, was joined by Bolivia in voting down the resolution. China, Ethiopia and Kazakhstan abstained.
