Kosovo Serbs

Dacic meets with Bouyx

BELGRADE - At a meeting with the head of the French delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) Bertrand Bouyx on Monday, Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said he expected French representatives in the Council of Europe to have more understanding for Serbian arguments at an upcoming session on the so-called Kosovo's request to join the organisation.

Djukanovic: NATO PA associate membership for Pristina scandalous

BELGRADE - The head of Serbia's parliamentary delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Vladimir Djukanovic said on Monday a decision by the body's standing committee to promote the status of the so-called Kosovo assembly from observer to associate member was scandalous and that he believed that, as a result, Serbia should stop participating in the organisation.

Dacic concludes visit to Moscow

MOSCOW - Serbian First Deputy PM and FM Ivica Dacic concluded a visit to Moscow on Friday.

Dacic travelled to Russia at the invitation of Russian FM Sergey Lavrov.

The two met on Thursday at the Spiridonovka Palace, where they discussed economic, political and other forms cooperation as well as the situation in Kosovo-Metohija, the Balkans and worldwide.

Dacic: Bakoyannis statement culmination of hypocrisy

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said on Thursday a statement by the Council of Europe (CoE) rapporteur for the so-called Kosovo, Dora Bakoyannis, that CoE membership for the so-called Kosovo would enable better protection for Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija was scandalous and a culmination of hypocrisy and double standards.

Dacic: We expect more determined international action over violations of Serbs' rights

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said on Monday Serbia expected greater attention and more determined action from the international community when it comes to the grave and enduring discrimination against Serbs in Kosovo-Metohija and violations of their fundamental human rights.
