Vučić: "They want to abolish Serbia as a state"

"First of all, I want to thank everyone who is here tonight in Belgrade's umice Hall. We had problems because of Kurti's organized pogrom against the Serbian people living in Kosovo and Metohija, the persecution of Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija. And during all that time, we suffered terrible pressure from those who pretended that they don't see it, or they saw it but thought it was the right moment for an additional attack on their country. It's no coincidence that the pressures around our foreign policy multiplied like that," said Vui.
"Introduce sanctions, distance yourself from friendship with China, do everything we ask, I just don't know why we need a state altogether. You think it's enough to send us a fax or post on your website and on that day, we all have to agree with your every decision. Then inside the country they started talking, counting on the opportunity to take over the authorities in Belgrade. Then they said 'we are looking for elections', I said 'impossible, just two months ago, you said we would not have elections'. Then, they have demanded elections and are threatening that if we do not call elections at the Belgrade and parliamentary level, that they will take to the streets, that they will break our bones... We fought with what we were doing and what is our plan and program, what are we going to do until 2027, highways, Expo, science and technology parks, higher wages and pensions. Then they said 'no, no, you stole the election', they are not even humanly capable of accepting the defeat, they still know today that they lied. You can see it by the fact that there is no euphoria with them that we are holding new elections. It is perfectly clear to them what the people in Belgrade and Serbia think," Vui said.
"They say: 'We will...

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