Kosovo Serbs

Serb List warns: Serbs, do not fall for flyers of the so-called "National Defense"

In them, it called for "resistance to Kurti's police", and warned citizens not to fall for such malicious provocations.
The flyers are titled Ways to Resist the Kurti Police and were signed by National Defense. They listed ways to resist the Kosovo authorities including physical and verbal assaults on the Kosovo police and civil servants.

Serbs gather at protest rally in northern Kosovska Mitrovica

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Kosovo-Metohija Serbs gathered at a mass protest rally in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday to call on the international community to ban Pristina's unilateral decision to abolish the Serbian dinar and point out that Serbs in the province were disenfranchised and deprived of the basic living conditions.

Serbian gendarme detained by Pristina's police released after questioning

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - A member of the Serbian Gendarmerie who was detained at the Jarinje administrative crossing on Friday has been released from a police station in the south of Kosovska Mitrovica after several hours of questioning, the regional deputy chief of the so-called Kosovo Police told Tanjug.

"Vučić showed how one should fight for Serbia, the opposition fought against Serbia"

The Prime Minister of Serbia stated that Vui proved for the first time in front of the whole world that everything that Albin Kurti is doing in Kosovo and Metohija is a crime against humanity. On the occasion of the resolution of the European Parliament, Brnabi said that the opposition is fighting to abolish what our ancestors died for more than a century ago.

Vučić addresses UN Security Council: Widespread attacks directed against Serbs VIDEO

The session is being held at the request of Serbia, which requested it on Monday due to the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, and the request states, among other things, that the current situation is in sharp contrast to the UN Charter and UN Security Council Resolution 1244.


Srpska lista writes to Quint ambassadors in Pristina over Kurti's terror

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - In a letter to ambassadors of Quint states to Pristina, Srpska lista - a political organisation of Kosovo-Metohija Serbs - conveyed on Wednesday the pleas and expectations of the Serb population in the province that Pristina PM Albin Kurti's terror and an exodus of Serbs from their ancestral homes be stopped.

Dacic: Guyana was under tremendous pressure over Serbia's request for UNSC session

BELGRADE - Serbian FM Ivica Dacic said on Wednesday an urgent UNSC session on Kosovo-Metohija, scheduled for Thursday, would be one of the most significant political events at this time and an opportunity for Serbia's arguments to be heard.

Serbia will be represented by President Aleksandar Vucic.
