Serbs gather at protest rally in northern Kosovska Mitrovica

KOSOVSKA MITROVICA - Kosovo-Metohija Serbs gathered at a mass protest rally in northern Kosovska Mitrovica on Monday to call on the international community to ban Pristina's unilateral decision to abolish the Serbian dinar and point out that Serbs in the province were disenfranchised and deprived of the basic living conditions.

Dragisa Milovic, a doctor from the Kosovska Mitrovica clinical hospital, said the ban on the dinar was directly aimed against the Serbs and threatened their survival.

"It is aimed at abolishing Serbian institutions. It is also aimed against minority communities that live here. All this is happening in front of the eyes of the international community. Twenty-five years on, this is an opportunity to tell the world and Europe that we, Serbs, are second-class citizens, that our fundamental human rights are being trampled underfoot and that we are...

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