Kyriakos Mitsotakis

SYRIZA: Kasselakis’ position not in question, says parliamentary group leader

Main opposition SYRIZA parliamentary group Leader Sokratis Famellos said in an interview on SKAI TV Wednesday that "Stefanos Kasselakis' role and position are not in question."

"SYRIZA must improve with unity and collectivity. That's what we decided," Famellos said, emphasizing that the public values political substance over who holds the chair.

​​Avgenakis expelled from ND parliamentary group over airport assault

MP Lefteris Avgenakis has been officially expelled from the New Democracy parliamentary group after footage emerged on Wednesday showing him assaulting an airport employee. 

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis referred him to the party's ethics committee, which decided to have him expelled.

The coordinated critique by Samaras and Karamanlis and the government’s response – Mitsotakis’ message with the visit to Laiko Hospital

At the Maximou , all composure reserves were called upon to handle the critiques delivered at the War Museum by former prime ministers Kostas Karamanlis and Antonis Samaras. They used an event for the presentation of a book about Karamanlis’ term to deliver a robust and nearly comprehensive critique of the current administration.
