
Balkan train links to resume on May 10, with discounts

Trainose, the operating arm of the Hellenic Railways Organization (OSE), is to resume services linking northern Greece to the country’s Balkan neighbors after a three-year hiatus in a bid to profits from rising tourism.

A daily service linking Thessaloniki to Skopje, Belgrade and Sofia is to start operating from May 10.

Macedonia's Ruling Party Harnesses Sound of Music

With less than a week to go before the April 27 general election, Macedonia's ruling VMRO DPMNE party has released a set of four video adverts, featuring young professional singers of the national opera and ballet house, the MOB.

In the videos, the singers call on people to give VMRO DPMNE a comfortable majority in parliament.

EP Uses Skopje Photos to Advertise Bulgaria's Capital

Pictures from Macedonia's capital Skopje can be seen at the European Parliament's visitors center in a short film dedicated to Sofia.

The story presented by the film starts with the 1997 protests that rocked Bulgaria's capital and goes on with later years of transition to market economy in the country.
