Palestinian nationalism

Australia Recognises West Jerusalem as Capital of Israel

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has confirmed that his government will recognise West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, reported BBC. 

However, he said Australia's embassy would not move from Tel Aviv, until a peace settlement was achieved.

He added Australia also recognised the aspirations of the Palestinians to a state with a capital in East Jerusalem.

ForMin Melescanu: Meeting of Romanian-Palestinian Intergovernmental Committee, proof of Romania's firm commitment to Palestine's institutional building

The third meeting of the Romanian-Palestinian Intergovernmental Committee (CIG III) is clear proof of Romania's firm commitment to Palestine's institutional building, an essential objective in the sustainable, political settlement of the conflict in the Middle East, Romanian Foreign Minister Teodor Melescanu said.

"Israel did not recognize Kosovo, and has no plans to do it"

And it does not even plan to do it, he added, according to daily Blic.

"We did not recognize Kosovo and, as far as I know, our stance on this issue will not change," Nahshon told the Serbian media in Israel, adding that relations between Israel and Serbia are excellent, the newspaper has reported.

US move on Palestinian mission encourages attempts to destroy two-state solution: Turkey

A decision by the Trump administration to shut down the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) diplomatic mission is "worrying" and will only "serve to encourage attempts to destroy a two-state solution" in the Israel-Palestine conflict, Turkey's Foreign Ministry said on Sept. 11. 

Talking with Palestinian politician, ForMin Melescanu reconfirms support for Middle East Peace Process

Romania's Foreign Affairs Minister Teodor Melescanu welcomed Ahmad Majdalani, member of the Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee, on Wednesday, to reconfirm Romania's support for the completion of the Middle East Peace Process.
