Politics by country

Erdogan escalates tension as Tsipras warns of serious consequences

A war of words erupted on Tuesday between Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Ergodan over hydrocarbon rights in the Eastern Mediterranean and the southeastern Aegean, with the former warning Ankara of serious consequences if it continues to violate international law. 

SYRIZA raises spectre of a New Democracy neo-liberal restoration

By George Gilson

As it enters the last stretch of the campaign in a general election that all polls indicate it will lose, SYRIZA's main strategy is to depict New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis and his party as a force that will bring a restoration of neo-liberal austerity policies.

Bulgarian PM Borisov Dismissed the Idea of Reducing VAT

The government closes the subject of a reduction in value added tax (VAT). The talks are being terminated because they contradict one of the points in the coalition agreement between GERB and the United Patriots, namely that within the mandate of this government tax laws should not change. This was announced by Prime Minister Boyko Borisov after today's Coalition Council.

Mitsotakis: No coalition, second election if ND does not get parliamentary majority

Amidst fears that many New Democracy voters may abstain from the 7 July general election due to the conviction that ND will win anyway (as it defeated SYRIZA by nine percentage points in the 26 May European Parliament election), main opposition leader Kyriakos Mitsotakis has upped the ante and is warning that if his party fails to clinch a comfortable parliamentary majority there will be a seco
