Politics by country

Managing stereotypes

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' decision to break with tradition and not address the annual general meeting of the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises (SEV) sent the opposite message to the one he probably intended - to emphatically show that he does not maintain close ties with big business interests. 

Senate's Tariceanu endorses introduction of voting system by legislative means that can provide more possibilities

Senate President Calin Popescu-Tariceanu endorses the introduction of a voting system by legislative means that can provide a set of possibilities for the citizens and, in this regard, a parliamentary committee will start working as of Thursday.

Christodoulides: Ozersay leadership ambitions a negative development for Cyprus

A possible rise of Kudret Ozersay, the "foreign minister" in the Turkish-occupied northern Cyprus, to the leadership of the Turkish Cypriot community will be a negative development for the Cyprus issue, the country's Foreign Minister Nikos Christodoulides said on Wednesday.

Pension bill to clear Chamber as gov't says it has money to cover promised pension increases

The Pension bill will clear the Chamber of Deputies, and the absence of Social Democratic Party (main ruling PSD, ed. n.) senators from a plenary Senate session on Wednesday, where the bill was defeated, will be analysed, has said PM Viorica Dancila, criticising at the same time the Opposition dealing with the bill. "These things show first of all the way they approach the pension law.

Ankara mistaken in thinking it can reach deal with US, says expert

"The sanctions of Turkey are coming," Teneo Intelligence's director of research, Wolfango Piccoli, told Bloomberg television on Wednesday after the agency reported that Washington is mulling strict measures against the country if it persists with plans to purchase a Russian missile defense system despite American objections.

Washington weighing stricter sanctions against Turkey over Russian S-400, says report

US President Donald Trump is considering stricter sanctions against Turkey if Ankara insists on plans to purchase a Russian missile defense system, Bloomberg reported on Wednesday.

Citing people familiar with the issue, Bloomberg said that Washington is weighing three "sanctions packages," the severest of which "would all but cripple the already troubled Turkish economy."
