Politics by country

The President of Croatia Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic Is the 66th “Face of Democracy”

Since 2015, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović has been President of the Republic of Croatia. Prior to that, the 50-year-old NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy has so far been the highest ranking woman in the history of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Furthermore, Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović is the first female president of independent Croatia.

Donald Trump Sent an “Excellent” Letter to the North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un

The U.S. President Donald Trump sent an "excellent" letter to the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, the Korean Central News Agency reported.

The existence of such a letter was confirmed by The White House press secretary, Sarah Sanders, who said Trump sent a letter and "correspondence between the two leaders has been ongoing."

MAE on declaration regarding Trianon adopted in the Hungarian Parliament: Any attempt to rewrite history is unacceptable

The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) announced that it took note of the decision of Parliament in Budapest to declare 2020 as Year of National Cohesion and, thus, to mark 100 years since the signing of the Treaty of Trianon, but rejects as unfounded, the justifications invoked to promote this declaration.

US urge 'immediate reopening' of Halki seminary

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has urged the "immediate reopening" of the Theological School of Halki, off the coast of Istanbul, which Turkey shut down in 1971.

"We urge the immediate reopening of the Halki seminary," Pompeo said during introductory remarks at the presentation of the 2018 Annual Report on International Religious Freedom in Washington, DC, late on Friday.

New European summit puts Greek politicians' TV debate on back burner

A decision by European leaders to meet on June 30 after failing on Thursday to agree on who should inherit the bloc's top jobs is threatening to derail plans for a television debate in Greece between the main politicians who will be battling for the top job in Athens on July 7.

Rights Mission Tells Albanian Politicians to Stop Attacking Media

Seven international rights organisations have urged politicians of all sides in polarised Albania to stop their smear campaigns against journalists, and have urged the authorities to fully investigate recent unresolved attacks on reporters. They also urged the media community to show solidarity and report cases of threats and intimidation.

Elena Yoncheva and Peter Vitanov Were Dismissed as Deputies

The two will become members of the European Parliament and will be replaced by the following in the BSP list.

MPs decided to terminate Elena Yoncheva and Peter Vitanov from BSP for Bulgaria mandates as deputies. The ground - both will be MEPs in the new European Parliament.

The two will be replaced by the next in the party list.
