Politics by country

Divorced from reality

Three weeks have passed since the election on May 21, in which the SYRIZA leftists suffered a crushing defeat. They believed they would emerge victorious but ended up with only half the share that New Democracy got. However, even to this day, it appears that they still haven't grasped why 600,000 citizens who had voted for them in 2019 turned their backs on them.

The PKK announced the End of Ceasefire with Turkey

Kurdish PKK fighters have ended a unilateral ceasefire with Turkey that they announced after the earthquake earlier this year, reports AFP.

The announcement, carried by pro-Kurdish media, threatened to lead to a return to the violence that has claimed tens of thousands of lives since the PKK began its fight for an autonomous state in southeastern Turkey in 1984.

Kosovo, Serbia, Trade Conflicting Accounts Over ‘Kidnapped’ Police Officers

Kosovo and Serbian institutions on Wednesday said Serbian police had arrested three Kosovo police officials in an action that Kosovo authorities called "kidnapping".

Both countries gave contradictory claims regarding the location of the arrest.

Sweden’s NATO bid not possible at Vilnius Summit

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has made clear once again that NATO-aspirant Sweden has to take concrete steps to join the alliance and stop the activities of the terrorists in the streets of Stockholm, underlining that the Nordic country will unlikely be admitted to NATO at the alliance's key summit in Vilnius in July.
