Politics by country

Vucic: Serbia-Slovenia relations good but can be much better

BELGRADE - Serbia-Slovenia relations are very good but can still be much better, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said after a meeting with Slovenian counterpart Natasa Pirc Musar in Belgrade on Thursday.

Vucic said he was greatly honoured to have had the opportunity to welcome Pirc Musar.

Tsipras denies PM briefing about Muslim candidate

SYRIZA - Progressive Alliance President Alexis Tsipras accused New Democracy leader and prime minister at the time Kyriakos Mitsotakis of lying and saying that he informed him before the election about alleged machinations of the Turkish consulate in the region of Rhodope in support of Muslim SYRIZA candidates.

Kurti spoke up: ''I'm surprised''

He was referring to the arrest of three members of the special unit of the Kosovo Police, who were arrested in the territory of central Serbia by the special unit of the Serbian police.
During the press conference, after the session of the Kosovo Security Council, Kurti called on the international community to put pressure on Belgrade.

Divorced from reality

Three weeks have passed since the election on May 21, in which the SYRIZA leftists suffered a crushing defeat. They believed they would emerge victorious but ended up with only half the share that New Democracy got. However, even to this day, it appears that they still haven't grasped why 600,000 citizens who had voted for them in 2019 turned their backs on them.
