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Troika member caught in an elevator, literally! (pics+video)

A member of the Troika’s entourage got stuck in an elevator in Athens when he left the building of the State’s General Accounting division Tuesday! According to reports, just after 2 pm while talks between the Troika and Greek officials were in progress, a Belgian technocrat, along with a female colleague took the elevator, but got stuck between the first and second floors.

21 Egyptians killed by ISIS (warning: graphic photos + video)

The Islamic State released a video on Sunday that showed the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya. Hours after the release, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi warned that his country would respond to the deaths.

The five-minute video showing the deaths has been confirmed as authentic. It appeared on the Twitter feed of a pro-Islamic State website.
