
Elon Musk Unveils Tesla's Humanoid 'Optimus' in Striking Walk Video

Tesla's visionary CEO, Elon Musk, has once again captivated the online audience by sharing a video featuring the humanoid robot "Optimus" going for a walk. The footage, posted on Musk's Twitter account, showcases the nearly 6ft (182cm) tall robot confidently strolling around, eliciting reactions ranging from fascination to unease among online spectators.

Robot Revolution: Plovdiv Pizzeria Unveils Bela, The Multifunctional Waiter!

Plovdiv's newest sensation comes in the form of Bela, the robot waiter now serving at a local pizzeria. This groundbreaking tech marvel captivates patrons of all ages in Bulgaria's second-largest city. Named Bela, this versatile bot joins the restaurant's staff, working a full eight-hour shift daily.

Turkish scientist made living robots from human DNA

Following her completion of a double master's degree in architecture and synthetic biology in the U.S. after graduating from the Faculty of Architecture, Gizem Gümüşkaya innovatively merged her dual expertise, creating a living robot from human DNA dedicated to repairing damaged tissues in the field of medicine.

Robots trained to be porters

Research toward integrating robots into daily life is being developed by Greek labs and startups. Instead of static industrial robots, which have been operating for years in major industrial countries, research has shifted to so-called collaborative robots, which are mostly employed in services and operate alongside and with people.

Killer Robot Strikes! Tragic Death in South Korean Factory

In a harrowing incident at a pepper sorting plant in South Xiaonan Province, South Korea, a robotic mishap resulted in the death of a 40-year-old employee from a robotics company, as reported by the BBC. The man had been on-site to inspect a robot designed for lifting and transferring boxes onto pallets.
