Socialism in Greece

New Democracy 4.8 points ahead in MRB poll

A new opinion poll of voting intentions gives ruling center-right New Democracy a 4.8-percentage point lead over left-wing SYRIZA.

Asked about their voting preferences for the May 21 election by pollster MRB, 29.7% chose New Democracy, 24.9% SYRIZA, 8.3% socialist PASOK-Movement for Change, 5.1% Communist KKE, 4.6% nationalist Greek Solution and 3.2% left-wing MeRA25.

Election ennui

If you're not a supporter of SYRIZA and are hoping for some surprises in the upcoming elections, please raise your hand high so we can all see it. For the past eight years, opinion polls have consistently shown Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the conservative prime minister, in the lead.

Opinion poll shows ND lead widening

A new opinion poll shows the ruling center-right New Democracy leading left-wing Syriza by 6.5% in voting intentions.

The poll, based on a sample of 1,051, was done by research firm Pulse and commission by TV station Skai.

The previous poll, conducted on April 4, had showed New Democracy 4% ahead of Syriza.

Just before we cast the vote

When the pre-election period kicks off with the case of the alleged sexual abuse of a woman by SYRIZA MEP Alexis Georgoulis, nothing bodes well for the path towards the ballot box, and toxicity abounds. As the foul-smelling case of alleged criminal acts takes center stage in the political agenda, the confrontation is bound to ignite each side's baser instincts.
