
Bulgarian Black Sea Resort of Chernomorets Rejects Name Change

The Bulgarian Black Sea resort of Chernomorets will not change its name to Sveti Nikola (Saint Nicholas), according to the results of a local referendum.

The referendum was unsuccessful due to the low voter turnout.

A total of 788 people went to the polls and there were 770 valid ballots.

Bulgarian Black Sea Town Chernomorets Holds Referendum on Name Change

The Bulgarian Black Sea town of Chernomorets is holding a local referendum on changing its name.

The question on the ballot papers is "Would you like the town of Chernomorets to restore its old name of Sveti Nikola?".

Polling stations opened at 6 am on Sunday and are to close at 7 pm, according to reports of Sega daily.

Bulgarian Border Police Stops Yacht with 32 Illegal Immigrants onboard

Bulgarian border police detained 32 illegal immigrants onboard a motor yacht near the Black Sea resort of Sozopol.

At 4 pm on Sunday, the radars of the integrated maritime surveillance system at the Burgas regional border police directorate detected a motor yacht traveling to the Sozopol port, according to a media statement of the Interior Ministry.
