Stefanos Kasselakis

Double standards

New Democracy's decision to nominate Fredi Beleri, the imprisoned mayor of Himare, as a candidate for the European Parliament aims to highlight Albania's violation of the rule of law as a European concern. Government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis made this clear on Wednesday, while also condemning attempts to monopolize these "progressive" issues.

ND leads in latest poll; cost of living top concern for Greeks

A new poll by Metron Analysis for Mega TV has shown gains for ruling New Democracy and main opposition SYRIZA, and losses for socialist PASOK and nationalist Greek Solution. 

More specifically, ND rose from 31.4% in its previous poll to 32.3%, while SYRIZA garnered 15.4% from 15.1%. PASOK fell by one point to 12%, from 13%. 

Kasselakis vows to close gap with ND in European elections

SYRIZA will close the gap with ruling New Democracy and "shock Europe and the country" in June's European Parliament elections, its leader, Stefanos Kasselakis, has told the Delphi Economic Forum.

Describing polls are a "snapshot with a lag," the main opposition leader said it was his responsibility "for the renewed SYRIZA to put forth a new governance team as well as program."

Transparency in politics

The Kasselakis saga would not have existed if SYRIZA - not the party in its present shape, but the old, orthodox one - had done its job properly when putting together its ballot for the last national elections or even during the vote for a new party leader.
