Kasselakis vows to close gap with ND in European elections

SYRIZA will close the gap with ruling New Democracy and "shock Europe and the country" in June's European Parliament elections, its leader, Stefanos Kasselakis, has told the Delphi Economic Forum.

Describing polls are a "snapshot with a lag," the main opposition leader said it was his responsibility "for the renewed SYRIZA to put forth a new governance team as well as program."

Asked about the course of the economy, Kasselakis noted that while the country's fiscal stability in terms of debt-to-GDP was "positive," Greece's convergence with the European Union has been "despicable."

He said Greeks are taxed as high as in Sweden, have a purchasing power that is just above that of Bulgarians and see little private investment in their country.

Regarding the war in Ukraine, he replied that he is in favor of Greece providing humanitarian aid, but not military...

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